Research & Due Diligence 

We have an expert team of financial analysts who thoroughly map your business and its growth potential while simultaneously studying the market and your competition so as to better match your needs with the changing graphics of the market. This also includes a detailed performance-based risk analysis of your business, a review of assets, holdings and cash-flows along with providing financial projections.

  • Carrying out Financial & Operational Due Diligence

  • Industry Research, Landscaping & Industry Tracking

  • Company Profiling & Detailed Landscaping

  • Data & Information Collection

  • Financial Modelling & Deal Structuring

  • Comparable Analysis, Impact Analysis & Transaction Analysis

  • Creating Private Placement Memorandums/ Investment Memorandums

  • Profiling & Target Identification

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If you need any assistance.
Talk to Kapital G today.

0207 153 1315


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